Spend time on what matters.
Leverage the power of IP Tech

In today’s fast-paced world, being at business speed means overcoming technical complexities to deliver productivity, quality and information needed by increasingly savvy clients & stakeholders.Deploying the right technology to get ahead of the market requires a knowledge of the law across the world, data sources and software integration. Black Hills IP Technology is a leader in IP tech.


Let BHIP Tech be your automation and data integration department.



Automating processes not only saves time, but also helps increase quality. Companies and firms are leveraging automation to reduce costs while increasing deliverable value.



Our middlewear expertise allows us to build modules to allow systems to talk to each other. This includes facilitating communication and updating between business systems or data sources and IP systems.


Data Processing

Data is at the center of every discussion these days. While data may be abundant, it is not always readily usable. We gather, organize and clean data so that it can be put to use.


Analytics & Reporting

Good decisions are aided by good digestible information. Analytics and reporting are not always cookie-cutter solutions. Our custom solutions allow for tailored analytical reporting to be created to suit specific legal and business needs.

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